Asbury has been hosting the Livermore community blood drive with the American Red Cross since December 2002.
How It Works
Each unit of blood is typically separated into three components: red blood cells, plasma (the liquid part) and platelets. Each component can go to a separate person, so each unit of blood (about a pint) can help up to three individuals.
Each day, the Bay Area’s hospitals need over 450 units of blood - seven days a week. In the Bay Area, only about 3% of eligible people donate blood.
Each unit of blood is typically separated into three components: red blood cells, plasma (the liquid part) and platelets. Each component can go to a separate person, so each unit of blood (about a pint) can help up to three individuals.
Each day, the Bay Area’s hospitals need over 450 units of blood - seven days a week. In the Bay Area, only about 3% of eligible people donate blood.
How Can I Help?
To donate blood, sign up online and use the Sponsor Code of ASBURY925. Donors must be in general good health, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be at least 17 years old. Parental consent is needed for 16-year-old donors. There may be other eligibility requirements, and a full health history will be taken at the start of each donation.
For more information, please contact the American Red Cross at 800-GIVELIFE.
To donate blood, sign up online and use the Sponsor Code of ASBURY925. Donors must be in general good health, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be at least 17 years old. Parental consent is needed for 16-year-old donors. There may be other eligibility requirements, and a full health history will be taken at the start of each donation.
For more information, please contact the American Red Cross at 800-GIVELIFE.