If you have credit card charges or other expenses that you need to report to the church Treasurer and/or request reimbursement, please click the appropriate button below to submit all relevant documentation.
For reference, the current version of church account numbers can be downloaded here.
For reference, the current version of church account numbers can be downloaded here.
Direct Deposit (EFT/ACH) Request
Please complete this form if you have personal credit card charges, cash receipts, or other expenses that you need to report to the Asbury UMC Treasurer for direct deposit reimbursement.
Check Request
Please complete this form if you have check requests to be sent from the Asbury UMC Treasurer to someone else, another organization, or for personal reimbursement.
Credit Card Charge Submission
Please complete this form if you have used any Asbury UMC Church credit card and need to submit receipts for the charge.